About us
The Association of Norwegian Student Welfare Organizations

Main Office in Oslo
Trimveien 4, 0372 Oslo
Postal address:
Trimveien 4
0372 Oslo, Norway
The Association of Norwegian Student Welfare Organizations is a cooperation body for the fourteen student welfare organizations in Norway that provide services for around 270,000 students. The welfare organizations are ideal private actors and have student housing as the largest service area. The general assembly is held in November in which all the welfare organizations attend and elect the board of the Association.
List of student welfare organizations:
- Student Welfare Organization at Nord University (Studentinord)
- Student Welfare Organization in Agder (SiA)
- The Arctic Student Welfare Organization (NAS)
- Student Welfare Organization in Inner Finnmark (SSO)
- Student Welfare Organization in Innlandet (SINN)
- Student Welfare Organization in Molde (SiMolde)
- Student Welfare Organization in Oslo (SiO)
- Student Welfare Organization in Stavanger (SiS)
- Student Welfare Organization of Southeast Norway (SSN)
- Student Welfare Organization in Gjovik, Aalesund and Trondheim (Sit)
- Student Welfare Organization in Volda (SiVolda)
- Student Welfare Organization in Østfold (SiØ)
- Student Welfare Organization in ÅS (SiÅs)
- Student Welfare Organization of Western Norway (Sammen)
The board
The current board was elected on the annual congress in Molde on the 15th of November 2023. The chairman of the Association is Rita Hirsum Lystad, also the CEO of the Student Welfare Organization in Østfold. She was elected in an extraordinary congress on 13th of January 2024 as the previous chairman Audhild Kvam resigned from the position earlier this year..
There are in total six members of the board, three CEOs and three chairmen representing each their own Student Welfare Organization. The CEOs are elected for two years, and the chairmen for one year.
The following are the current members of our board:
- Rita Hirsum Lystad, CEO in SiØ, chairman of the board
- Andreas Berggren Eskelund, CEO in SiO
- Grete Sterri Kristoffersen, CEO in NAS
- Eilif Tanberg, chairman in SiO
- Kim André Nielsen, chairman in SiÅs
- Jakob Mæland, chairman in SiA, deputy chairman of the board
International cooperation
The Association of Norwegian Student Welfare Organization is a member of the European Council for Student Affairs (ECSTA). ECSTA is an umbrella group open to student affairs and services organizations from all European countries.
For more information about ECSTA: Visit ECSTA
The secretariat
The chairman of the board is currently based in Østfold, but the main office of the administration is in Oslo. The administration consist of an acting Office Manager and two political advisors.
Contact information below:
Rita Hirsum Lystad
Chairman of the board
E-post: post@samskipnader.no
Fam Karine Heer Aas
Office Manager /Press contact
Tlf:(+47) 900 82 746
E-post: fam@samskipnader.no
Emilie Faarup Storvik
Political Advisor
Tlf: (+47) 413 73 656
E-post: emilie@samskipnader.no